
Monday, 25 February 2013

My Whare Tapa Wha

This picture is My Whare Tapa Wha.This is what we have to do.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Mark Lowndes

On Wednesday the 13th of February,we were  found enough to interview Mark Lowndes.He is famous for his appearance in Australia’s Got Talent.
Miss Aireen organised our interview,which we did online using Google Chat.
I learnt that Mark Lowndes he is a singer,he has two sons.  His sons told him to go to Australia’s Got Talent,he started singing when he was 12 or 11 years old,all his family sings.
He left us with the message follow your dreams,
I felt good when he said that and I am going to do it.
Below is a photo of Mark and a link to a video/site for more information.

Individual Description

My name is Edwina Fleecia Faiva. I am going to be 12 in May.  I am a Tongan. I am quiet and I have a black long hair.  My skin colour is brown. I am a little bit small. I try my best in my learning so I can have higher grades. I like coming to school to learn my favourite subject - Math.
I have a twin sister named Renee. I am the oldest and she is the littlest but people think that I am the youngest and she is the oldest.We are the only kids in the family.My mom works at the ANZ and my dad does not go to work he stays home and takes care of the house.

My community is Mt Wellington. Mt Wellington in a wonderful community. It has many shopping malls and everything you need is in Mt Wellington shopping mall.  Some shops have cool clothes, shoes, and caps.

My favourite sport is tennis. What I like to do at home is watch tv. I don’t watch tv in school time, I only watch tv on Friday night and in the weekends. I like music and playing the piano.

My hopes are to become a professional tennis player because I am very good at it and I always want to play tennis every day. My fears are heights. When I am very high it feels like that I am going to fall.

Metaphor Poem 3